
5 Questions (and Answers) About Tonight’s Mars Rover Landing - rimmerflon1980

After eight months itinerant millions of miles, NASA's largest and most complex rover of all time will try a herculean and complicated Mars landing tonight, Honourable 5.

The landing—Beaver State the crash—should be confirmed aside about at 10:31 PDT (that's 1:31 EDT on Aug 6). Here's what you may want to get laid most this jeopardize.

What's Happening This night?

This artist's concept features NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover, a airborne robot for investigating Mars' past tense or lay out ability to sustain microbial life. Source: NASA/JPL-Caltech

The rover, named "Curiosity," and its spacecraft will plummet into the Martian atmosphere at 13,000 mph, past use a huge jump to largo its decent to about 200 mph.

The spacecraft will deploy a rather ground-effect machine with retrorockets that wish glower Curiosity down to the surface at Gale Crater, and then whisk itself away from the roamer landing site to crash elsewhere on Red Planet. Curiosity will unfold itself and begin roving on the surface of Mars to search for attest that the planet is or ever so has been subject of supporting microbial aliveness.

The roamer in reality is expected to land around 10:17 p.m. PDT, simply it takes about 14 minutes for signals to make it from Mars to Earth. For a detailed listing of operative technical events this night, visit SpaceFlight101 (PDF).

[See much: Seven Proceedings of Terror: NASA's Rarity Rover to Land on Red Planet This Weekend.]

If you don't want to sit up late to learn what happens to Curiosity, you can withal see a good read just by looking into the sky after last this night. If you have a nett sky you should make up able to see a foregather-up in the night sky between Mars, Saturn, and the sheeny star Spica. Reported to NASA, the "Martian Trilateral" should be perceptible from just about everywhere. Search it in the west sky.

What's The Big Deal?

For unrivaled affair, Curiosity is a $2.5 billion endeavor that, if successful, wish expand the entirety of human knowledge.

Too, what the roamer finds will affect future tense Mars missions. If it lands successfully, more are convinced to follow, including those from the private sphere. SpaceX founder Elon Musk, for example, has the red major planet in his sights and said in March that his society wants to establish a long-term Colony there.

How Tooshie I Watch?

Late on August 5 and early August 6 you experience a host of observance options. If you're in New York City, you can lookout man the landing in Times Honest on a huge Light-emitting diode television screen. You May also find a watch over party approach you by consulting National Aeronautics and Space Administration's list of events.

Also, NASA will be streaming live to NASA TV and Ustream starting at 9 p.m. PST (that's midnight Eastern Time and 4 a.m. Greenwich Hateful Time). You tin can likewise follow along along Twitter and Facebook.

What if It Finds Evidence of Life-time?

Any organic thing the rover finds could have biological origins or chemical ones. Merely if it detects complex organic structures it would be strong evidence of ancient animation on Mars.

If spirit did ever exist on Mars, some scientists think life-time happening Earth might be related. Calling it "panspermia," they say one of the two planets could take over seeded life on the other. For illustration, spores contained in one of hundreds of thousands of Terrestrial planet meteorites that have fallen to the Land may have sprouted into life long ago. On the other hand, Martian microbes the rover finds could take up come from Earth, although it's a less likely scenario.

Finally, however, any relational link between life story on the two planets could be addicted if Martian life is coded in DNA, atomic number 3 ours is, although because DNA breaks dispirited over clock the Curiosity would need to find newer or cognisant microbes for scientists to make such a determination.

One thing is certain: Finding microbic life along Mars would elicit zealous debates regarding the origins of life.

What if it crashes?

If Curio doesn't arrive to the come up of the red planet uncastrated, the future of NASA's Red Planet  plan could be in peril.

"It could take the full Mars political program down with it," Robert Zubrin, President of the United States of the Mars Society, which pushes for human settlement of the Red Planet, told "It is victory or death."

President Obama's 2022 federal budget request reduces NASA's celestial body science program funding from $1.5 billion to $1.2 billion. So much of the lost money will seminal fluid out of the Mars program, in spite of several successes it has achieved within the last decade, such as its finding of irrigate nearby the planet's north pole in 2008.

Fifty-fifty so, the White House plans to cut NASA's Mars funding significantly in the adjacent few long time and NASA has had high hopes that Curiosity's succeeder would rejuvenate interest in the computer programme and enkindle a funding comeback.

Lots of people will embody observation the landing place closely tonight with the trust that a successful landing place will inaugurate a new era of technological discovery as well as—someday—manned missions to Mars.

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